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How do you create a disruptive business model?

How do you Create? How do you Innovate? How do you create the next generation product or a disruptive business model or the next masterpiece in music or art?

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motivation insights

Muse Quest?

Create…?! “…yes sure, I want to…but how do I find my muse?”

As you search for/wait for/seek that "perfect" muse...think and ask...

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new technology A.I.

AI & Creativity

Are Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies already surpassing that last human bastion of creativity? Let's deep-dive into the creative process to understand where and how humans may still have an edge or maintain their edge in the future. I share my insights and learnings from my experiences - creating new AI innovations and their market adoption in the US, and AI user adoption research in Europe.

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INNOVATION Management Theories

Management Science & Innovation

Revisit the theories of management sciences. Reflections on the seminal work of Herbert Simon and others, in today's context...the world of lean startups, globalization, decentralized web etal. Based on my learnings across the innovation value chain - as an innovator and as a business operator bringing new innovations to market in the US.


There is No "Process" Box

Trying to force fit a ‘process’ box around creativity, design and innovation? There is an inherent contradiction there. Creativity is fluid and free - it cannot be contained, let alone within a box...more

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What Really is Real?!

So, what is real?! Are you sure of the reality of your world?! Could you be living in a virtual matrix instead…?!

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Automation Innovation

Creativity, the Last Human Bastion...

Easier the work, faster & easier it will be to replace you or automate your job...Creativity will be the only refuge and the last bastion of humans...

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Philosophy Open Mind

When Popper & Kuhn Debated on the Moon Landing...

Did the 1969 moon landing really happen? Here is a hypothetical debate between Popper and Kuhn when I recently indulged (again) in one of my favorite conspiracy theories...

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Creativity Elements

Constraints & the Segway 'Anti-Example'

Constraints are a blessing in disguise...Without constraints, one can get lost in a myriad of choices and directions, failing to reach creation’s full potential — as it happened in the case of Segway...

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Less is More

Less is more…more so today, in the age of information deluge and overload. The axiom transcends design and time, and needs to be applied today

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Only if I get approval...

The big creativity killer? It is self-doubt, lack of self-belief, and that analysis-paralysis. It is that long wait for validation and approval of your idea...

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EMOTIONS Creativity secrets

Will it move the audience ?!

Your creation’s audience/customers are emotional beings as well...Create to move the audience

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Oxymoronic Creative-Look Uniform

Picture the stereotypical image of the “creative” rebel artist - long unruly hair and tattoos or piercings. Can it help one stand out when every other creative professional/wannabe dons the same look?!

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Ideas First

It is all about the ideas (assuming basic execution capabilities). Execution is secondary, and often overhyped. Success depends on the quality, quantity and innovation quotient of your ideas.

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Focus on the Essence

You need to strip the unnecessary and the unwanted, know and remind yourself of the purpose or the overall goal, and distill down to the essentials or the "essence". Never lose sight of the essence at any stage of the creative journey.

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Facebook & the Game of Life

A multi-billion dollar company has been created and has flourished on our inherent need for validation, approval and reassurances. Facilitating that “Game of Life” is Facebook.

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CREATING Creativity secrets

Is it an Original?!

"I could do that...!" How often have we or our friends/family wondered aloud when looking at a simple piece of art — a simple composition by Mark Rothko or a Picasso sketch?!
